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Nikki Stapleton-Farr


Nikki has an interest in herpetology with a primary focus on great crested newts. She has led survey and translocation works and holds a Level 1 class survey licence for this species.

Nikki has an emerging interest in botany, and a developing knowledge base in fungal survey and identification. She is currently furthering her education through accredited training courses and shadowing experienced ecologists.

Nikki has led and assisted with a range of protected species surveys, habitat assessments and mitigation projects and is experienced in ecological supervision.

Nikki is the Lloyd Bore biosecurity officer and works to ensure that biosecurity risks to species and habitats are carefully managed throughout our field work. She has recently updated our procedures for all amphibian surveys to minimise biosecurity risks to this rapidly declining class of animals.

Nikki has a FdSc in Zoological Conservation and a BSc (Hons) in Applied Zoology from Plymouth University. She has previously worked as a Forest Structure Scientist in Honduras and volunteered on a range of international conservation schemes, undertaking genetic sampling, species abundance monitoring and invasive non-native species surveys. She currently volunteers with Kent Reptile and Amphibian Group, participating in crucial reptile and amphibian monitoring schemes.

07471 036 661

Nikki Stapleton-Farr

33 St. George's Place, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1UT

01227 464 340

©2023 by Lloydbore Ltd

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