Landscape Architecture | Ecology | Arboriculture

About Lloydbore Ltd
Established in 1996, we provide environmental consultancy services across a number of specialist disciplines.
Our Landscape team provide consultancy services and advice for every project stage, from site assessment and concept design, to landscape masterplanning, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, detailed technical design, specification and delivery on site.
Our Ecology team provides a broad range of terrestrial and aquatic ecology services, including habitat and species survey, impact assessment, mitigation design and implementation, Biodiversity Net Gain assessment and Ecological Clerk of Works. We provide design, planning and construction advice to a range of sectors and clients.
Our Arboriculture team undertakes tree surveys to BS5837 and produces Arboricultural Impact Assessments, detailed construction-stage method statements and woodland management plans. Our advice is used to inform the design and planning processes for tender, construction and future maintenance stages.